I Don't Believe In Side Quests

Episode 1: The Beginning

Gabe and Lauren Season 1 Episode 1

Text Us Your Side Quests

Welcome to the beginning of our podcast! For our first episode we thought it would be beneficial for you all to get to know us a bit more and get an understanding of what we'd like to bring to the podcast world. We talk a bit about our gaming history, what brought us together, and spill some fresh local tea!

Note - The transcript will be improved for episode 3

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Twitter: twitter.com/sweetie_potat
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@sweetie_potat

Twitter: twitter.com/nenyaadamas
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nenyaadamas


Hello everybody and welcome to the first episode of Are You Podcasts? I Don't Believe in Sight cause you can see her both really excited. My name is Gabe, also known as John Twitch. And this is my co-host, Sweet. Oh, gosh. Lauren, also known as Sweetie on Twitch.


It's an adjustment. I know.


It is. Yeah. Yeah, that's why I kind of. I wanted to mention them, like, in case we, you know, interchange them. I feel like we're gonna try to use gave them Lauren, but in case we use the other ones, then we'll know kind of what we were thinking. A typical podcast, you know, for us would be is like or an episode would be like, you know, an intro kind of talking about our days, maybe things that have been going on and then kind of going into a main topic and then kind of ending with some local drama and kind of like a recap of everything.


Yeah. So basically we're streamers or friends. We are going to be talking about games, we're going to be talking about technology, life updates, whatever else truly springs into our little brains. Yes. Hi, I'm Lauren, also known as Sweep Tap on Twitch. I started streaming on Twitch in October of 2020. The pandemic had hit. My fiance and I were just home all the time, not going out. My social life up till then had been going, you know, out to theater, to plays, getting drinks with my friends. And so I was so lonely. And Idaho, my fiance, also known as Mike, he streams under Idaho, but he was used to playing games with his friends remotely because a group of his friends were back home where he was from. And so he just had that community that was already kind of preset. So when the pandemic hit, yes, absolutely. He was sad. He didn't get to see friends in person, but he did have the ability that was already set up and already created that he could just play games with them, talk with them on discord. And I didn't have any of that built out. None of my friends played games, really. And so I was just so lonely and just so jealous that he was able to still maintain that sort of social interaction. And he also was watching Twitch and I had really never watched Twitch before, and so he was watching it. And that kind of introduced me to Twitch and I started finding streamers, especially female streamers, who I was really kind of connecting to. And it definitely kind of broadened my idea of, Oh, hold on, I could do this and I could meet people this way, and this could be a way for me to get social interaction as well. So I was really drawn to that idea of streaming and I started streaming Stardew Valley. We built me a gaming computer again. This is back in October of 2020. Yep, yep, yep. I know what year it is.


I don't know.


But I didn't have a concept of my channel. I didn't know what I wanted to play. I didn't know what kind of people I wanted to connect to. I started playing the Nancy Drew games off stream and just kind of fit in nostalgia. I just didn't know what I wanted to play it. They just seemed so comforting to me. And I was about to play Treasure in the Royal Tower as part of my playthrough, and my sister wanted to watch me stream those just because they were really important to our childhood. And that night, the first night that I started streaming, Nancy Drew, I just joined a community of Nancy Drew streamers. And I was not expecting that. I wasn't expecting a lot of people to be out playing it. I wasn't expecting so many people to still love all of those games. And I found some of the people who I've truly spent so much time with in the past year. Basically people I've spent the most time with other than my fiance and Gabe rated me. Did we decide it was my second ever Nancy Stream?


I think it was because it was the Royal Tower in the tower. I remember because I love that one. And I was like, She's playing treasure.


Yeah, the universe is like, okay, let's just expedite this friendship. Let's just not waste any time. Let's get it going. And so yeah, a year later we are here is starting up this podcast, which is.


Literally. Our our friend adversary give to each other. Let's make a baby and start a podcast. I mean, it was like two days early, but, like, you know. Yeah, well, okay. Since you talked about your streaming, I guess I'll talk a bit about mine. I've been on Twitch for, like, you know, a long time. A long time. So, like, my account that I use now and then. Yeah, Thomas has, I think, I mean, like 2016, but I was on Twitch a little bit before that. Just. I guess the main reason was like, you only have so much money, right? Like, you can't buy every single game, but there's so many games here. I really want to play that. I really. So I joined Twitch heavily to be able to watch a wide variety of games I couldn't play but like really wanted to and wanted to see. And then I stayed on Twitch because I loved the interaction that you could have with someone and it was like really nostalgic too. Um, so I also played Nancy Drew when I was a child, and like, I would always play with a friend and we'd always be like doing it together and gaming together and, you know, so, like, Twitch always feels like that, you know, you're experiencing something with other people, you're thinking about things with other people, and I really love that. So that was like what kept me on Twitch and then I don't really know why I made then. Yeah, it was kind of like now, like my old usernames. I don't feel like they were me. They're just like, you know, and so you can ask one of my best friends. I spent like 4 hours trying to figure out what I was going to do, how I was going to make it, or like what it was going to be the meaning behind the name.


So I've always been like marketing.


Yeah. And yeah, well, because I was like, this is what people are going to know me as. Like, I don't want to switch it, I don't want it to switch. And I was like, so I have to like think about it. And so. Nina is Galadriel Ring from Lord of the Rings. I'm a super big nerd. I freakin love the Lord of the Rings. And the Ring is also known as The Ring of Adam. It's the Ring of Water. I also really love water, which is partially why I chose it, but I also liked how the name sound. And so the Adam Mr. Damas is Latin for adamant because trick is like you need a first name and the last name and I was like, I'll give you your first name. All right. Yeah.


So where did the dragons come from? Because dragons are a big element of your stream.


They're my favorite thing in the whole world and have been for my entire life. And I was like, I learned that like what everyone was doing. I'm like, back then there wasn't a lot of dragon stuff. And I was like, You know what? That's me. I'm like.




I have dragon stuff everywhere. Like, everywhere. Like I have statues and everything. And I was like, you know what makes sense? So yeah.




And I didn't really make it thinking I was going to scream, but like I thought about those things in the back of my head. And then I probably started streaming like March 2016 or something like that because my friends are like, Oh, you got this game like where you stream. And I was like, Sure.


I gave it to you, remember?


I know Ash Schneier was one of the first games I streamed, but I don't think it was the first. I don't know. It was it Coney now. I think it was Arcade. Oh it was arcades. It was when arcades reviewed. No. How does that is that what it was. I have no idea. Okay. There was a lot of things, but I saw.


That mystery later.


Yeah, one day. So. Yeah, I don't know. And then. I don't know. I don't really know. I kept screaming. I just did. And here we are. I just. It's like escapism. Like gaming is escapism, streaming is escapism. It makes me, like, not have to think about things. It's very comforting. You should talk to other people.


Well, and I think it's just so exciting because every different game you play has different fans. Yeah, if you're playing lesser known games and so you're getting people who are like, Oh my gosh, somebody else is playing this game. And then you get to meet new people and learn about them and learn about the type of people, even if it's a game that you just picked up randomly or randomly recommended it and you're like, Huh, I guess I'll play this game and these super fans just come running out and they're like, Oh my gosh, this is the best game ever.


That's what happened last night. I started playing well, you rated me. I started playing The Secret of Monkey Island because the new one's coming out this year. And I was like, Okay, I want something I've had on my lists. We'll try and get through the series and be ready for that new one. And all these fans were like, Oh, someone's playing Monkey Islands. I was playing like, Yeah, and I felt bad. So I kept making all these references. Like, they'd come in and their first line was like a reference that went over my head. I was like, This is my first time playing. But yeah, that's always fun. That is always a good time. I think that's like my favorite. One of my favorite parts about playing the more niche games is getting those types of people. And then you learn so much more about the game that you might never known because they love it. And they're like, Let me tell you.


Yeah, I'm so obsessed with the type of people who love to watch people's first playthroughs of a game that they love.




It's my favorite thing when they come in and they're just, you know, just so just quivering in anticipation for you to get to their favorite part or see the shock on your face. It's a way to relive their own shock and excitement. Any time you've been like, I wish I could read that book for the first time or watch that movie for the first time on Twitch. You can watch people play a game the first time and yeah, just being knocked out by it.


You can relive it. You can relive. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. I love that. Mm. I love that.


When you first rated me for Nancy Drew, when we first met, you were playing through all of the. Nancy Drew's in a series, right?


Oh. Yeah, that was my my second run through. So the first time I was like, there's at that point, there's very few nineties years I hadn't played it. I played pretty much all of them, but I was like, I want to play them in order. I want to see how they all connect, how it all builds in preparation for. As they call it, Town of Salem. But that's a different game. It was the night in Salem. Yeah. When that first came out. Yeah. So I was yeah, I was like playing through the mall and man, we were like, we were on the grind and like last month trying to get through the mall and then.


Sorry. Were you playing them all in one year?


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I played. I think I played through. I'm trying to think. Did Midnight Salon come out in October and November? Or is it December? I think it was October. I feel like it was October. I've I've played through them in like a four, five month period. I was like, oh, shoot, the new one's coming out. I'm going to do it. And we did it somehow. I don't know how. And. Yeah. Twitter only keeps your VODs for so long. And I didn't know you could, like, download your VODs at that time. And I was I was, like, devastated. I was like, man, I wish I would have kept these. So then when I raided you, I was working through my second playthrough, which I still am working on, of going through them in order because I wanted to keep them, keep the vase and be able to like put them on YouTube to be able to look at them later and like. And then I was like, Oh, I also want to make the scrapbook that Nancy made. Like, I want to remake that and I want to do all these things. So. Yeah. We were playing. Well, we talked about this earlier. I don't remember what I was on. I was on like the fifth one or something like that. I think when I rated you, I maybe like to do. Gotcha. Yeah, I was trying to spread the answers, your love, because there's. There used to be like not a lot of people who streamed it or if they did stream it, they, they streamed the shadow at the water's edge. That was like the super popular one. And I was like, Nancy, fans like to see someone playing one of those and one of my favorite games, I was like. We're going to spread the love to you.


Yeah, because the Nancy gain.


And I sense our fans.


I feel like when even when I first started streaming them, you know, over a year ago, there were only, you know, a few people at a time playing. And I feel like either a lot of viewers decided to start streaming because they saw all of the rest of us start streaming. Nancy Drew or a lot more streamers just fell back in love with them. So I don't know if it's just a whole bunch of new streamers or streaming, Nancy Drew, or if people just made the decision to start.


I think it's new streamers like based off of the people I saw start streaming it and stuff and looking. I think it was new streamers, which I do think in turn also brought back the nostalgia for other people and then brought people who maybe did already stream be like, I want to play Nancy. And somehow, for some reason, when Midnight in Salem came out, like it was like big. Like there is quite a few really big streamers who I had never seen play and answered your game before. They were like, Oh, I'm going to I'm going to play that. I'm going to stream that. And I was like, okay. And I thought that also helped.


Definitely. Yeah. Everyone smile. There will be like a really big streamer or, you know, the girlfriend or wife of a really big streamer will be playing a Nancy Drew game for nostalgia. And it's just like, Oh, okay. So that's the person who's streaming Nancy Drew, who, as you know, 10,000 viewers. Got it. Got it.


Got it. Okay. I guess let's talk more about like the podcast. Like, why are you making this podcast? What made us, you know, get here and why we did it? Um, so I've been thinking about it and wanted to make a podcast for a while. I feel like. I have a lot to say, a lot of things I could say, maybe a lot of things that could be beneficial to others. But also, just like, I don't know, I like being able to nerd out and. I was looking for a partner or someone, a partner in crime because I didn't want to go on this, you know, journey by myself and like. I don't even know why. I was like, Sweetie, you want to do a podcast? But I one day just out of order was like, Ah, sorry, Lauren. Lauren, you want to start a podcast? And you're like, I guess, I mean, why not? Mhm. And so I know I kind of, I, I mean I thought I like military pretty well but you know, and so like my, I guess personal reasons and like kind of what I. Want to do with the podcast is like, you know, kind of having a place to be able to vent, to be able to talk. Um, since you are like, mainly like Jamie kind of podcast to give like the female perspective on gaming and like what it's like to be a female in the gaming culture and maybe. Making a difference for the better for females in the gaming, but also just kind of like making a difference for people's lives like in general because like this kind of content, like podcasts, streams, all that is like. Like listening to people and stuff in their stories. Like, it keeps me going and makes me have hope. It makes me want to do things and I kind of I want to give that to other people too. Like, I love that and I think. Kind of the last big thing is I've always loved learning. Learning more things, pushing myself to learn more. And then, you know, spreading that knowledge, you know, like a give and take. I want others to teach me, but I also want to teach others. And I guess, ironically, I am a teacher with preschoolers. So, um, would you like to share your personal reasons for why you said yes? Mm hmm.


Yeah. I have also thought about participating in co-hosting a podcast for a while. I think it's part of the way that I stream. I definitely love playing the games, but I also love just taking a tangent off and talking about concepts and themes in the storytelling. I spend a lot of time in theater when I was younger and in playwriting classes, and I always loved English. And so I love scripts and I love media and I love building out stories. It's always going to be about the story for me. There's so many and we'll talk about this later in Nancy Drew segments. But the story is always the key part for me, because you can have great puzzles in there. But if the story is not if it doesn't make sense, if it's not clear, if the characters are not developed up to a certain point, then the whole game is going to fall apart. And so I spend a lot of time in my streams talking about that and talking about how I feel about that and talking about how different concepts have been used better in other areas and other, you know, tangents that would be good. I'm kind of more in a podcast setting necessarily than on stream. They're also fun on stream, but I think it also makes sense to translate them over into this.


Well and doing this like you can research.


Definitely, definitely. I like doing that research and I like doing that kind of investigation, expanding my knowledge and understanding of what's hot in technology and talking about the kind of games that are coming out that are maybe not necessarily on my Steam brand, but or on my Twitch brand, but that I'm interested in playing and excited to play and that will be playing not necessarily on Twitch or publicly, but that I'm playing for myself more and well, it makes sense to do it with you because we are friends. We do enjoy playing similar games. I feel we have some different perspectives on different things. You have a much greater knowledge of games and just a longer knowledge of games. So I'm I have a lot to learn about the gaming history and that sort of thing from you. And I just love to talk, so I'm very happy to come in and learn and chit chat about whatever.


I also feel like, I don't know, like we have really good chemistry and I feel like we can bounce back and forth off each other and I feel like we can have. I keep saying I feel like that's terrible. It's a safe environment. I feel I can really say my thoughts and opinion. And even if you disagree, you're not just going to be like You've lost hope. How dare you? How dare you think that way? I'm sorry. Please don't.


Be promise. I will not tell you so.


Yeah. Oh, sorry to use the actual word of. Oh.


But yeah, no, there's definitely that level of comfort and support with us.


So that's why, why we started it. But why did we name it. What we name it? And I'm not going to take any credit for that. That was all you all the names I came up with, like such basic and basic bitch. Bland names like I had I had nothing.


You had a couple of sweeties, which was very nice.


I mean, I don't know if it was cute, but you definitely hit it on the nail when you were like, Ah, the nail on the head. And you're like, We should probably get something that's like more pointed to like what we should be talking about, or at least kind of like the topic we should be covering as. Yeah, you're kind of right. So.


Yeah. So as you can tell, our podcast is called I Don't Believe in Side Quests. So there are there are some there are some reasons behind this. All right. So just a basic level. As the main character in your own story, you have an ultimate objective. So it's saving the princess, finding treasures, defeating final bosses. These are obviously typically in games, although I suppose it could be true in real life as well. But we all have these ultimate goals. We have series of tasks we have to accomplish that are going to actively move us closer to achieving those goals. So this is our, quote unquote, main quest. And then along the way to those own goals, we run into other characters or are given, you know, a note in passing, or we are somehow directed to other people's objectives. And so we can jump in to help those other characters rescue their own princesses or find their own treasures or defeat their own bosses. And these, quote unquote, side quests do not directly move our own story along. They're super optional for us to join in. So the I don't believe in side quests concept has kind of two main parts. So part one is basically we are all side characters in each other's stories. So it's not that we're just embarking on petty little side quests. We have agreed to briefly step into someone else's story as a helper out of the goodness of our hearts or the desire for a really good reward. We have stepped back from that main character spotlight, and we are willing to take a supporting role so someone else can achieve their ultimate goal. Second, and personally, I feel is the more important part of this reframing of side quests is that we learn so much when we spend the time helping other people in games, we're going to gain experience gold or unique weapons that may not be super important plot one plot point wise, but they do pave the way for our success later on in the game. And then in life, we're learning about how other people are seeing the world, what they're finding important. And that may change our perspective. And then also that way paves the way for our success later in life. So the game or our parents may see us pause or veer off the linear path to our otherwise stated ultimate goal and think we're wasting time. But they aren't taking into consideration the fact that most of us can't tackle our ultimate object head on as fast as possible. Like most of us can't just say, okay, I'm just going to follow the main quest points and fight the ultimate boss. We need to take these side quests to get experience. We need to get better weapons. We need to gain broader skills. And so calling those side quests is just it just seems silly because even though they're not necessarily actively moving the plot along, they're still super important and integral to our growth as characters and also as people. So kind of I know that was kind of a long explanation, but the key takeaway is that smaller goals that allow us to become more prepared to tackle our big goals are actually really necessary. Calling them side quests does that. It does them a disservice. Only experts can really stick to the main quest and come out on top. Most humans need some breathing room, so calling things side quests doesn't necessarily make sense when they're more of just their kind of expansion quests.


Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well, it's, it's, it's a fitting and that right is, it's a reference to gaming and we're going to be talking about gaming, but also, you know, how we're tying it to real life and you know. The importance of all that. So it's fitting and I think we're going to talk about both. Like we want to be able to talk about many things, mainly focused on gaming, but just life in general and you know, whatever else. So it's good. It's good. You talked a little bit about, I think, kind of like, why are you game? Do you talk more about your streaming? But I feel like we should, you know, talk about what got us into gaming and why we started to gaming. So I just want to go first, whichever you're like.


No rock and roll hero.


Okay. Um, I had the gamer gene from the very beginning. Um, my dad was a gamer. Ironically, he was friends with some of the people who worked on Doom, and that helped to create Doom.


Oh, very cool.


Yeah. And like, he knew a bunch of people who, like, really loved that game and played that game, and he was just like my son for me, but he wouldn't play it. It's. I think it's so funny. I was like, All right, okay. Kind of kind of a dick move. But you do you. And so, like, when I came to be as little bean, he would play hexagon, which I don't think was age appropriate. Like I would sit with him or he would play it and we'd like play together. Totally not age appropriate and nothing we did together. What was age appropriate to be honest. Oh, that sounds really bad. Actually, I like that way. I was a very sick child. I was home a lot. I was very sick. He was the one I was with. So we would watch. He, you know, he could only handle so much cartoons. So we watched a lot of monster movies and sci fi movies and horror movies and played these things that I probably shouldn't be playing. Like some of the things like if my mom knew, she'd be like, Hmm. But he always thought it was good. And he always like, we'd always have the conversation of, you know, this is okay. This is not okay. What's good, what's bad? And he always used a lot of this as like a teaching experience for me and be like, you know, you got to stick up for people and like when something is wrong, you got to say something. You can't just let it happen. So he's what got me into gaming and. We? Yeah. He's the reason I have all my games. He bought all my games. Ironically, I dug some of them out. These are like my games I played as a kid. Jurassic Park, pre school cliff. I don't really remember Clifford as much, but Arthur. Arthur was a go to my Harry Potter's I loved. I pulled out some of my original Nancy Jaws. I lost them. Mm hmm. The first one we had was the. The second one. The Haunted Mansion message in a haunted mansion. Um. He got me started. But also kind of what kept me going is my best friend. Her mom was my day care lady, so I spent a lot of time there and they had Gameboys and game cubes. And let me tell you, we played them absolute poop out of Pokémon. Crash Bandicoot. She got us. Oh, what are they called that? Mary-Kate and Ashley. Sweet 16. They're my good best fun sort of things. And. Yeah. I don't know. He, I never really talked about this with other people because, like, it was weird to be a girl and, like, play games when I was younger. So, like, I didn't talk to him, but he, he always kept me interested. He was always giving me fun games to play. San Sarah is a is a very niche game that many people know about, but that was like something we would play together and did play together for like many years of my life. And he got me Skyrim. Your favorite game?




And in like middle school, I started to do more online gaming. I started a rune scape. I was a fallen rune scape, let me tell you.


Hack. Yep.


AB And then kind of wow. And that's kind of like when I started paying attention to Twitch and stuff and. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. I feel like that's. The basics of it.


So what would you say was the most, I guess, impactful then game that you played as a kid.


Or to samsara, which if you've never played it and you can figure out how to get it to play on your computer, I'm going to tell you, you should do it. You're the girl in London and you get freaked and kidnaped and transported to this fairy world and you get to like have fairies and duel with the fairies and, like, fly around. So good, so beautiful. Love the music. Chef's kiss. And I think that was impactful because that was one of the ways me and my dad always connected. And I always he's a computer, I'll be honest. He's a computer. Like there's a reason he works in I.T. And so that was definitely outside of sports, one of our biggest bonding. And then I was 90.


That says a lot about both of us.


Yeah. Yeah. And then they your hands down, Nancy Drew and Harry Potter. But the Nancy Drew was like. Having a female character that I can play and relate to. Like I had nothing against male characters. I loved them, but it was like. Someone who was.


Biased. I have things against male main characters.


That's fine. You can you tell us? But yeah, I liked how much you learned and the men's features. I like how they kind of like picked a theme, really dug down into the theme I like. I learned so much. I learned how to do so much. I would go to my dad and be like, Guess what I learned today? At what? Morse code. I would send you the S.O.S.. I read trouble. I guess it's like, okay, so definitely. Definitely that. And I should like Nancy, also just impact me as a person like she. Made me feel like it was okay to be curious and ask questions and.


Super nosy still things. Yes. Yes.


Okay. Oh, okay. You know what? It's your turn. You go.


But to not mean to do this. Yeah. I really didn't play games growing up. I. Some I did some, but not like classics, you know, I did educational PC games. I did like math blasters, so. And. Oh, Franklin, I don't know if you ever played Franklin games. Franklin the turtle?


Yes. Do you ever play this? You got that type to learn three?


Yep. Okay. Heck yeah. But yes, any of those kind of educational games my parents were all about. So, you know, that didn't last super long as we were growing up. We kind of grew out of those fairly quickly. But my mom grew up reading Nancy Drew books. I have some of her books from when she was young that are in my bookshelf with my collection of Nancy Drew's that are just so cute. Um, and then she discovered, you know, Nancy Drew games are coming out on CD-ROM, so she gave a few to me and my sister, and we had treasure in the tower message in a haunted mansion, the final scene and Secret of the Scarlet Hand. So those were kind of our core four that we owned and we played a lot. And it was so funny replaying those as an adult.




I remember, I think I, I think Haunted Mansion, I always found really hard. Yeah. And as a kid, just because it has those longer puzzles where you have to go and find all of the symbols around the house. And I just never did because I didn't think about having them. And I mean, Scarlet Hand was also really rough as a kid and doing it now. I'm just like, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop. Just pressing buttons. Um, and we went to that. My sister and I would go to the library and we'd rent other ones. So we owned the original or those four. And then we went to the library and we're just renting other ones. And so we would play them for a few hours and then inevitably just walk away from them because we had to go to dinner or something and then forget about them until we had to return them and then we'd have to re rent them and then we'd have to start over again. And so it was just very confusing. Um.


I think about that sometimes like playing through them. Like, how did we do this as a kids? Yeah, how did I solve any of these things? Because sometimes I don't know if I'm like, Whoa.


Yeah, well, and I. Yeah, designing games for kids that also can work for adults. I'm just very impressed because you do have to have kind of, you know, simplistic but also engaging enough. And because most kids, you know, probably are playing with older siblings or you just want the kids to be pushed to really think, really use their brains. So playing the Nazis was really good for that. Other than Nancy Drew, my sister got an Xbox as I was going away to college. It was kind of my parents like, okay, well, your sister's leaving you, so I'll get you an Xbox. And so she played Halo and I think at that point we got Skyrim. So basically before I started streaming, before I got my gaming computer, I had played. Nancy Drew is two of the Halo game, three of the Halo games. Um, Halo one, Halo two and Odesk and Skyrim. Those are pretty much the game that I do.


I actually have a recommendation for you. I just saw that since you love Skyrim so much. So this game came out like a month after Skyrim, which I think is why it didn't get. As much as the recognition as it should of like I think it's a very underrated game and that is Kingdoms of Honor, Allure, Reckoning. Now they remastered it, so they remastered because the company was finally able to buy the rights to it. I'm hoping they're finally going to turn it into the franchise. It should have been. And they just did a new DLC. Quite, quite a few months ago, actually, like I think it came out September, October, November. They had done a DLC. But like this, it's a little more. Fanciful. Maybe even Skyrim, but like, it's so. Is so beautiful. I think it's so beautiful. It's so much fun. I love this story. Like. These were the games I was nerdy not in. It was like 2011, 2012, I think Skyrim was like December 2011 and this was like January 2012. Like, this is what I was playing until I think Witcher three came out. And then I was like, That's what I was playing.


So The Witcher series.




Briefly played a little bit of my fiance's brother's copy of The Witcher three. So I want to get into it because I know people really like it and I feel like it would be kind of my vibe.


Yeah, I think so. Yeah. If you like Skyrim, I mean, it's not like Skyrim, but it is like Skyrim in a sense. Like, it's definitely. Yes. I stand Geralt. He's probably like top of my list of characters I wish I could marry. Okay. And also when they picked I don't remember his Henry Cavill. Henry Cavill, when they picked him for The Witcher, I was like, Superman can't play him. Oh, heck no. And then I watched the first series and I was like, You know what? I'll marry you, Henry Cavill. It's fine. And he's a low key nerd, too, which makes it so much better.




His rhymes.


His fave. My favorite character he played was in the movie Stardust. I don't know if you've seen that movie. It is my favorite movie. But he plays this kind of smarmy. It's a it's.


A small.


Part. It's a tiny little part. But you would not recognize it was him, except you can see his jaw and you're like, Hmm, I recognize that job. But he is.


Oh. Mm hmm.


But he is just kind of. Kind of the cool guy around town, around the. The town the main character grows up in before he goes off into in the magical world. So he's supposed to be like what everyone wants to what the main character wants to be before he goes and kind of comes into his own anyway. Right. It's a tiny little part. He plays it delightfully. You cannot recognize him. He is very young. Oh, it's so good.


He's a beautiful man. An absolutely beautiful man. He built a PC. He built a gaming PC. Can you believe that? Yeah. So did I watch the video of it? And I was like, Oh, man. It's not that he's special. It's just fun to see a huge actor in Hollywood being a gaming nerd. Okay.


No, I love that.


I get this.


Well, I think we were going to talk about kind of our favorite types of games as we at least are typically playing through. You know, for me, I'm playing a lot of point and click mystery games. Of course, Nancy Drew, Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie games, a lot of very story based. So that's kind of where I like to live as opposed to first person shooter or anything a little more, actually. Haiti's was very much one of my favorite games that I go back to again and again, you know, I've done since. But yeah, anything where there's a bit of a story. If there's not a good story, I'm immediately out. Do not care.


Not having it. Hmm. Yeah, I'm. I play too many games. I play a.




I like to dip my toe in everything. I like. I like mystery playing click out, you know? So my brain is being intellectually stimulated. I love horror, so I'd be scared. Actually, I don't know. I really. I just have no idea why I love horror. I just know I love it and I'm obsessed with it. And I have been my whole life. I freaking love sci fi. Anything sci fi?


Is this because of the movies that your dad and you watched when you were little?


Actually, I think so. They they probably seriously tainted me as a child. Like if we really think about it. Yes. And like. Like the TV series that were my childhood. I like people like Arthur and stuff on my mind where Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Angel, Love.


Xena, the Warrior Princess, Hercules, Firefly. Like all these things like, yes, I want to be them. So I feel like I feel like games are a good way to be someone or something. You're not in real life like I love Sea of Thieves because I can be a pirate because obviously, you know, I can't really be a pirate in real life. But you know what? For a few hours, I could be a pirate and I could pillage and thieve and tell people to walk the plank and sail on sailing. And I actually really enjoy that. Um. Yeah. I actually did not used to like at these games. Like, I didn't mind, like watching people play them, but I didn't really like them and I didn't get the attraction of liking them. Rajiv. I don't know if it's as I've gotten older, play more games I've started to like the more I started to like.


I think it's a comfort.


Level and trash talking. Yes. Yes, I agree. As I've become more confident in myself as a gamer and in my skills, I like I like those games and pinning my skills against other people and the trash talking for me.


I can play first person shooter and I can do some of those things if I'm playing with friends or I'm playing with my fiancee, because as long as I'm not trying to go.


At it alone, you guys play with your halo.


Hmm? Halo, yes. Fine. We're doing Resident Evil together, you know, just like anything where it's kind of a lot of action going on at once. If I can have at least one other person there with me, then I'm willing to kind of do it. You know, it's a little pack, but doing it alone is just really daunting, and I just don't have as much fun. The whole reason I like to play kind of the point and click in the story is because I like being immersed in it. I like being able to talk about it, I like not having to necessarily have all the quick time events or the reactions so that I can be thinking through and kind of going slower and logical and be talking to chat and whatever about the decisions I'm making and working my way through rather than just, you know, bang, bang, bang.


I get that. I don't play it like valorant and stuff. I never play that alone. I like to always do a. Q So if someone starts talking mad and I got my friend who's like, You know what? She's rock star. What are you going to do about it? Yeah, I would say, like my favorite. Favorite if I had to pick one. Besides, horror is survival and like co-op kind of survival games or even just show my Stardew co-op was amazing. Ten out of ten. But like, I love that the building having to be or being able to build like my own place, being able to experience it with other people and having stories, like, having all three of those things. Hmm. That's it. That's prime.


Yeah. Being able to create. And so that's why I enjoy Sims and definitely Star, too, because being able to. Yeah. Be on that kind of creator side, able to use creativity, able to lay things out. And I don't know if that's just like the millennial in us who's just like, I don't know if I'm ever going to have a house and be able to, you know, do all of these things IRL. But, you know, we can do them online, we can show them off to friends, we can talk about them. We can, you know, kind of play house in a way I should.


For me, it's I like to be stimulated in a lot of different ways. Like, I would like my brain to be used in a lot of different ways. So like being able to be creative, being able to think and like critical think and problem solve. Are sometimes just sitting back and taking in the experience and like being in the experience. I just like a lot of stimulation, I guess. I don't know. I think that's also why I play such a variety of games, because I need all the different. Thanks. Yeah. Hmm.


Yeah. And for me, it's just kind of comforting to play a lot of similar games and somebody who likes to rewatch movies over and over again and listen to things, listen to, you know, podcasts that I know. And, like, I'm happy to try new things. But there's always, you know, the and the concern, I guess, that maybe it won't be as good as everyone saying. So as long as I can just stick with something that I know is going to be good and true and something that I know I'm going to enjoy. And so, yeah, sometimes sticking with that is just a comfort level. Yeah. So I think playing with friends, you know, it increases that comfort level because it's like, well, even if I'm not necessarily having fun doing the thing, at least I'm going to have fun with friends.


Right. Yeah, true. I never thought about that. But now that you say it, I'm like, yeah, okay. I that's I've definitely done that.


Yeah, I'm really interested in psychology and especially motivation. I was taking business classes in college about motivation. I'm in nature. That's what I do. And so understanding what motivates people in work to keep working at their job, to keep working at the company, to, I guess, work in general, to work in the field. That's really interesting to me, but also definitely what motivates different types of gamers. And just like we were talking earlier with a child playing Nancy Drew versus an adult playing Nancy Drew, what sort of rewards you can fit in there to keep motivating the child, to keep playing, even if they get stuck or for the adult to keep playing, even if it's too easy. I just find so fascinating and I'm so impressed with game designers who are able to design for all of those different levels.


I love that stuff too. I love all of my psychology and like sociology classes anytime. Okay. I know I said I'm a teacher. Unqualified because when I went to college, I worked for mechanical engineering and general business management. Totally other side of the spectrum of what I'm doing now. I, I wanted to be a project manager with engineers, but that's a whole other story. That's a whole other thing. But yeah, whenever we talk about that, my business classes are like because I was general business management, we took like one or two classes and all of the different categories or accounting, financing, marketing, operations, all of that. Like we were essentially taught to be little baby entrepreneurs. Like we could, you know, start up a business but like, you know, like marketing and stuff, whenever we would talk about that and the psychology of things and you know, how you attract people or like what makes them see something and think, I want to get that or Oh, I like this, you know, I love that. I love that so much. It's very fascinating how people work, how our brains work. So. I hope we can do many podcasts on that kind of stuff.


I know one of the goals we have for this podcast or not necessarily goals, but future feature segments, feature ideas. We want to be talking with other people in the gaming industry on all different sides, from selling from marketing to actual game design to story creation, other streamers, other players in general, and talking to them about different aspects of that, because I think we're both really curious about all sorts of different pieces of putting a game together and trying to encourage people to get into it, especially on the indie side.


Having like kind of I feel like you would be like a sub series because I don't know if it'd be like every episode, but yes, I would definitely love to be able to do that interview or have for some of them, like a day in the life of whatever they are. I think that would be truly interesting. And to learn more about like what goes on behind the scenes, like what all goes into making a game and the decisions they make and how they make these decisions. So yeah I'm excited that that one day.


So we have a lot of learning ahead of us on this journey about a lot of different aspects of the technology and gaming industry outside of our own experiences, which we're really excited about.


Yeah, because it's a huge gaming culture, gaming industry. It like I feel like to everyday people and stuff. Like when you talk about when you think about it, it doesn't seem like it's that big. But like when you start going, there's so much, so many different things. It blows my mind, like even being a part of it and knowing that every time I actually stop and think about it, I'm like, Wow. And the impact it has on so many people's lives is crazy.


Yeah. My parents are not. Into gaming and all. At least my mom is really not. My dad somewhat gets into it, but my mom really has no idea anything about games. And I was trying to explain to her about another mom who plays Mama's, and my mother could not get it through her brain. She was just like, Adults do this. It's for adults. I was like, Oh, no.


One of my favorite streamers is is 40 years old. He plays these. And every time he says his age, I like like all I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at him. Like, I don't think it's not for old people, but I kind of chuckle tonight that's going to be me when I'm 40 still. Also, we play games, live in my best life.


That cracks me up also because I mean, 40 is young. You know, the mom who plays MMOs is 60 and she's been playing them for ten years. And so yeah, there is just so many because at this point, because when did videogames start coming out originally?


If we're not including arcade games, I feel like the first was like. Eighties, right? It is because I feel like sixties. Seventies is when we started getting, you know, like Arcade and like Pacman stuff.


Yeah. So at this point, you know, the vast, vast majority of adults have grown up with some semblance of video games. And the idea that, oh, they're just for, you know, 21 and under, it's just so absurd. But to people who truly don't interact with people who game at all, I mean, and I really didn't. Obviously, my fiancee and his friends game and I was doing marginal gaming, but I really had no idea truly until I joined Twitch. Of what on earth was going on. And I know there's plenty of other communities out there because I'm not even on Reddit. Same so much out there about gaming in general that I just haven't even gotten close to.


Okay. I think it's time. I think we we do it. The T Tea Party segment.


Okay. So basically because our whole podcast is about quote unquote side quests and about objectives that are very important to someone, maybe not to you, but to someone who's the main character in their own story. They're having stuff go on that is very important to them that no one else probably really cares about. And so some of this petty drama we are going to be sharing with all of y'all in our Tea Party segment. So today's Tea Party is about my apartment drama because this truly just ended spoiler alert and I'm so excited to have my apartment back. But basically there was plumbing that was going on where there was plumbing needed to go on. For the past two weeks, some plumbing had broken. There was something really gross that was only accessible under my apartment, and so no one was doing anything. We're just renters, so we're not even on the board. Like we can't really get involved. We obviously we're talking to our landlord who is honestly not being super helpful. Sorry, Bill, but name drop, name dropped. Um, we love Bill. It's okay.


Fine. We stand, bill.


But we ran into our neighbor out in the parking lot and, um, we had talked to her a few times before and she, it came out that she is an owner and she's like the only owner who lives on the premises and she's like, so it's up to me to determine, you know, if we're going to be paying X-Y-Z. And we were like, amazing, do it. Yes, do it. You're going to do it. Right? And so just because they had a right, so two weekends ago, people had come by and they were like, hey, we need to get under the hatch underneath your pantry. So obviously we had to empty out our entire pantry. We had to take all of the shelving out, and all of our pantry has been living in our room for the past two weeks. And so they couldn't get in. They couldn't get into the pantry because everything was in the pantry. So they were like, We're going to make an appointment, we're going to come back. And we were like, Amazing, do that. So we cleared out the pantry that night. They never came back and we were like, Okay, we haven't heard anything, what's going on? And so we ran into her neighbor. She got my number so we could text each other about like whatever shenanigans were going on. And she was just like, Great, we have a board meeting in like 3 hours, so I'll let you know what happens. So she gets to the board meeting. She texted me the next day and she says the property manager said that we denied them access to our hats. And my fiance and I were like, No, no, that's thoroughly not what happened. Um, and so my fiance, they then emailed the business management or the property managers and was asking them, hey, what's, what's going on? We heard that you guys said we denied you access. And they emailed back and said, No, we didn't say that. Oh, you're just sitting there like, okay, okay. At. I don't care. I don't care who's lying. I don't care what's going on. And then they were saying that our neighbor was telling or was saying that they were lying about what was underneath, which is not what she was telling us. And so so we are just getting totally conflicting stories from both sides. And we again, we're like, we don't care. Just somebody has to fix this anyway. And so it ended up that she didn't trust their estimate. And so then we got an outside we the board got an outside group to come in, do a quote and do the whole thing. So then she was texting me being like, Hey, I'm going to prove it a.s.a.p. And then like two days later, it did get approved. And then yesterday they were in all day doing pumping and then doing plumbing. And then they were back in this morning to fix and finish everything up. And now my pantry is back and return to me and I'm so excited, but I truly do not know who to trust.


So it so it wasn't resolved and who lied? Like who or like more that false.


Okay, no idea. No interest. Yeah. So, I don't know. There's just like, something got lost in translation.


But I feel like that would have been a very big loss in translation. Like, those are like, right? Not like, even remotely kind of like, okay, you know, or you miss a couple of words. This was like two completely different things, right?


Yeah. Yeah. Because she was saying they just said that you denied access and then kind of she left it at that. And then they said, we didn't say that, but they said we weren't telling the truth about what was underneath the apartment. And then. I know.


I know. Because you're not be telling the truth about what's under the apartment, though.


I know they were like, we have pictures and we were like, Oh, we believe you. Just so you know, there's been a smell. We have been spending the night at my sister's. We have been I've been going into the office to not be working in there. We've had our air off or. Yeah, our hot air off. We've had our air off, our electricity bills, $25 because we had no heater going for the last two weeks. Our doors open. So it's been freezing every time we've been home just to like let things air out. Obviously we've like had our bedroom door closed and other doors closed to like keep the smell out. Like there was clearly stuff happening and yet no one was doing anything. No, it's telling us what was going on. It was just like so annoying.


So how long did this all take to get resolved? I don't remember. When did this first start happening?


So the guys came to try to get into a hatch two weeks ago, but apparently stuff has been starting to go down there for the last six months and like it must have just been like frozen in December because I had been like getting kind of like little smells like underneath some of the cabinets. And I was like, what is happening? But my fiance, I was never around to smell them. And so it was just like, I don't know, I'm not involved. And so we never really thoroughly investigated it. And I just kind of was like, okay, whatever. But then other people in the apartment were complaining and then, yeah, even our next door neighbor was like texting me and she was like, Yeah, this smells like super bad day. And I was like, Hmm, it sounds like you should approve plumbers.


But I feel like I'm being really dumb right now. Why? It was water, right? Why was water? No way. What was it?


It was not water, I regret to tell you.




Literally. My apartment has been smelling like poop in various levels. Oh, two weeks.


Oh, okay. I'm. I'm sorry. I'm. Maybe I'm dumb. I don't know why I thought it was water. I was like, Oh, that's even. Okay.


Oh, I wish it was water.


I thought it was like water. And you're getting like the mold and the right. That's what I thought but. Mm. Okay.


That would also have sucked. Absolutely.


Oh yeah.


Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So it's because when they first came to tell us, we were kind of like, oh, that would explain some of the weird smells we have sporadically been smelling. But literally then since they've been here, like it has gotten, it had gotten so much worse. Like yesterday morning, right before they came, it smelled. The worse it ever smelled. And I was like, Holy cow.


Was it just your guys's or was it.


It was that the problem area was not even our pipes. It was our upstairs neighbors pipes. It was located. But they the the area they had to pump was only accessible through our hatch, underneath our apartment.


So you're getting punished for somebody else? Oh, that makes it so much worse. It's not even your stench. It's someone else's. Yeah, my germaphobe.


Oh, no, I have. Yeah. It's literally been the worst.


Yikes. Yikes. I am so sorry. The. Holy cow. Yeah, but it's hopefully so. It's hopefully fixed now. Right.


It's fixed. Okay. Took care of it. The property managers were down there today and they were like, nope, they did a really good job. They were like, showing us pictures of how clean it was down there.




They showed my fiance my pictures. I did not look at pictures because I am a lady. Oh.


Of course.


But now I'm just like, you know, paranoid thinking that I'm smelling things.


I would be too. I would be, too. I feel like. Yes.


Yeah. We have to just like obviously do such a deep clean in the apartment now. So that is my job.


I'm on your team. So is it time to talk about side quests?


Do you have a favorite side question?


Wait. Okay, just wait. Wait. I know yours is from Skyrim. Yes, obviously. Aha. Obviously. I obviously feel like it's been so long since I played Skyrim. I have the remasters are what you call it. I really want to play because I can't play the original because you can't lock your piece and it like freaks out on my computer. And so I have the remastered to be able to play it, but I haven't had a chance to go around to it. I just I don't know if you would call these side quests, but like, okay, what I loved about Skyrim was like all the little rabbit holes you could go down all the like side cults and people that you could just, like, bury yourself into.


I loved the whole vampire thing or the vampire hunter thing or the. Yeah.


Child. Me unknowingly became a vampire. Didn't know you could become a vampire. Didn't know why it happened. Didn't know why people were running from me and trying to kill me. And my poor dad spent, like, 5 hours trying to fix it for me, I guess.


Hard to be kind of Skyrim vampire.


I did it. I didn't get it. I didn't understand what it was or what it meant. But now that I get it, I can appreciate it.


I have the vampire pack I guess expansion downtown for Sims and.


Oh yeah.


Yeah. I have always done the magic and forgotten that you cannot be a wizard and also a vampire, which I think is very rude. So every time I'm just like, Oh yeah, I want to start learning magic. And then they're like, Great. Well, you do magic now, so you cannot be a vampire. So I've never been a sense vampire, even though I have it, and it is one of my truly ultimate goals.


You should do it. Well, part is like, I think, and I'm not an expert on Sims games, but I'm pretty sure in some of the pass you could be hybrids, like you could do multiple things, but for whatever reason in Sims four, they would say no because our someone was talking about the new scenario and Sims are like one of the new scenario things they've been doing. You can be a plant sim. They brought Plant Sims back and she was talking about how she used to like to be a vampire and a plant sim and like how it like clash because the plants need sun, but like the vampire can't go in the sun. And so I. Yeah, yeah. I don't know why we don't have hybrids in Sims four.


But I am a Sims player who just like works my sim to the bone. I was just like, girl, if you are not up there and like getting level ten on every single skill, if you're not constantly doing things, why are you doing it? You're a waste of my time and I think it's a problem because I only have one sim going at a time. Like I think I need to make a family and then just like pick people up. And so I want to rather just hyper focused in on one person being like, mm, nope, not like that. Stop that.


I definitely over managed my sims and my sister is always judge me and she's like, I don't get why you feel the need to tell them all these things like you can let them live. And I'm like, Well, you kill them separately. Exactly. What's the point? Very true. What is your favorite sequence, though? Please tell us your Skyrim side quest. We're ready. Okay. Okay.


So my favorite Skyrim side quest is called Laid to Rest. And it is the one where you find this burned out house and you hear about the town that this man's wife and daughter burned to death. And then he married another woman the next day. Oh, so you find this little ghost girl, and she's just like, I want to play hide and seek me, me, me. And then it turns out the woman who married the father is a vampire. And so she's like, you know, done some mind control or whatever. And she vampire the wife, I guess. And then now she just murdered her, I guess.


Oh, aren't you saying she turned her into a vampire?


No, I'm saying she.


No, she's murder.


She murdered.


Her. She chopped the jugular.


She chapter. Yeah, she chopped her their kill, but she chopped the wife and they like and the vampires. Assistant vampire, I guess, tried to turn the child into a vampire and so that they had to burn down the house to like cover up those bodies, basically. So then you have to fight the vampire and it's just this whole thing, but it's just such a laid little story, this little drama where you're like, Oh, you have to solve this murder crime, and then you have to do this other thing. And it just really just lays out from beginning to end, has a bit of tragedy. It has a little bit of humor and just like ridiculousness in it. It's just personally, I think it's perfect.


Well, and it's more than just the classic side quest. Please go get me ten chickens. You know, I. But when you start to me. I know. I know what you're talking about. I remember the burnt house and the little girl.


I play it every single time in Skyrim. Every single time. I'm just like, we'll kind of do it.


Hunted down.


Like, I got to go get the ghost and free the little girl ghost. And it's just the whole thing. Yeah.


Well, and, like, thinking about it too, right? And the whole thing of our podcast, like, what a joke. That that's a psychosis because, like, that's like a big deal. That's what I'm saying. Or for.


People in that.




Like, that is a mean monument. QUEST Like the whole. Yeah, trying to hunt down, like who murdered this white this woman and child, and then he married her and then this whole thing happened. So it's just like drama, drama, drama. It's a whole thing. Like, you could make an entire game just focused on that. And that's I mean, it's so perfect because it's a full story beginning to end.


Mm hmm.


And you, as your character, have just wandered in and are put in charge of the investigation because that's what you're good at. But, yeah.


Wrong place, wrong time, right place, right time. Who knows? Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Yeah. I like that sugar closure. I like when you do get closure. I don't open ended well.


And there's so many Skyrim side quests that are like that. And you think about love where you get to say, okay, well, I can decide if I want to give this guy's letter to her, this guy's letter to her. And I can kind of choose my own adventure. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, from her perspective, she's like, Well, I've got these two lovers, and this one's being nice to me, but then this one's really interesting and so on and so forth and. But I think my favorite, like short little kind of side quests in Skyrim are when you are running around trying to steal beer for people and they're like, I would like an ale, go acquire one, thank you. And you give it to him and then he, like, gives you something. It's just fun. But it is his primary objective. Yeah. Must find beer. You have found a helper who will bring you beer. Excellent.


Who doesn't want to help? Who bring you beer?


I mean, honestly, you're truly in their world. We are just so excited to be doing this podcast, to be talking about everything tech, gaming, women and gaming. Getting to know each other and ourselves better. We would love if you have anything to contribute to the Tea Party. Send it in. We've got no side quests at gmail.com. You can find us at no side quests on Instagram and Twitter and YouTube.


Yeah. Links. Links will be in the description. I'll make sure to put that all down there. Yeah. Yeah. We have been nerding out about this. Like, every time we talk about it, we go like this weekly. Like we've. We've been power brainstorming and thinking about and having, honestly, having so much fun. And I'm, like you said, no side quests pretty much on everything YouTube is I don't believe in side quests, but all the other stuff is pretty much no side quests. Well, at least in the description you can be found.


Yes, I can be found at sweetie underscore potent as w i.


S.W. E.T.. I e underscore p0tat twitch twitter. Instagram. Question for you, not Instagram. Okay, twitch, twitter.


Just twitch and.


Twitter. Twitch and Twitter. I can be found that ninja out of us. Any and why a a a s. I'll put all those links down below. Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube. I'm really terrible at all of my social media. But you know what? One day we're getting there. I also.


I've forgotten how to spell sweetie.


Ten out of ten. We also have a discord that you can go in. I will give your thoughts, leave a review, I think is what they are like with your thoughts and your opinions. Things you want us to work on. Yes, definitely. Be sending in your drama. The T. We want the T for our segments. And I think I think that pretty much covers it. We don't really have an outro besides that.


Outro coming soon.




So love you guys. And we hope you have an amazing week.


Yep. And we'll catch you in episode two for. Nancy Drew Our Biggest Passion.


Episode two Nancy Drew. Truly, truly our biggest passion.


All right. Bye bye, guys.

People on this episode